He Has Fished Out Grenades, Bikes, and Guns. Can Fame Be Far Behind? (New York Times)

On a can-do spirit, American ingenuity, and finding live grenade (!) in Sheepshead Bay.

One Man’s Lonely War on Central Park Pickleball (New York Times)

On a New York relic who’s re-invented himself as many times as the city has.

The High Stakes of Modern Raccoon Hunting (Field & Stream)

On how what used to be a country past-time got infused with big-time capital.


What Was Really Under the Hood at Nikola? (Bloomberg Businessweek)

On the very strange downfall of CEO Trevor Milton.

Where the Wall of Death Is a Way of Life (New York Times)

On the man bringing back “a lost piece of the magic of America” one carnival sideshow at a time.

Do Yourself a Favor and Go Find a ‘Third Place’ (theatlantic.com)

On the forgotten pleasures of simply “hanging out.”

New Kid on the Block (Field & Stream)

On my first deer hunt.


No, You Beg (New York Magazine)

On the joys and sorrows of the pandemic puppy boom. Cover story.

The Long Shot (Field & Stream)

On a farmer with no arms who managed to shoot a target three miles away.

Warriors, Racing Through the Night (New York Times)

On the guilt that motivates one of the only urban ultrarunners in the country.

The Changing Face of Casting a Line (New York Times)

On what happened when Brooklyn fishing charters needed to hook new customers to survive COVID.

Who Has the Money? Who Has the Roof? (New York Times)

On the rivalry between two pigeon keepers on the border of Bushwick and Bed-Stuy.

A Reservation for Insurrection (nymag.com)

On the Airbnb host whose guests decided to storm the Capitol.

Contract Killers (Field & Stream)

On the subculture of Floridians risking life and limb to hunt Burmese pythons in the dark.


It’s an Investment, Yes. But For One Day, it’s a Time Machine (New York Times)

On the opening day of baseball-card season, before the speculators and brokers take over, and collectors get to feel like kids again.

Paying in Pennies? It’s an Art. (New York Times)

On what happened when a famous concept artist tried to include bodega owners in her latest work.

The Standoff at the White Horse Tavern (nymag.com)

On the protected landmark that became a superspreader event.


It’s an Anti-Fascist Thing (New York Times)

On a German soccer team with a cult fanbase under the Williamsburg Bridge.

The Lonely Pursuit of Air Hockey Greatness (New York Times)

On an athlete who needs to find someone to take him seriously. And a bar big enough for a regulation-sized table.

When Going Outside is a Prison (nymag.com)

On the world of American hikikomori.

I Accidentally Discovered a Nationwide Scam on Airbnb (vice.com)

On my investigation into—and confrontation with—the man who stole my money in Chicago.

Can Instagram and Egg Creams Save the Last Punk Rock Bodega? (New York Times)

On the last days of Gem Spa.

2018 and beyond

This is Your Brain on Hate (Vice Magazine)

On the science of racism. Best American Essays notable.

Why is Martin Shkreli Still Talking? (vice.com)

On hanging with the “pharma bro” when he was the most hated man in America.

How Synthetic Weed is Ravaging Brooklyn’s Homeless Population (vice.com)

On the policy that kept shelter residents overdosing on “spice” multiple times in the same day.

Terrio’s Dance Blew Up the Internet, But What’s it Doing to the Kid? (Miami New Times)

On the shady manager of one of Vine’s breakout child stars.

It Came from the Glades! (Miami New Times)

On the return of the Florida panther, and the death of Gladesmen culture.

The Thrilling, Messy Lives of New York’s Freelance Dominatrices (theatlantic.com)

On what happened when a scammer tried to ingratiate herself into the world of “fin dom.”

The Sad State of America’s Aging Sisters (vice.com)

On a group of nuns sent to a nursing home after their convent shut down.

Lonely Lolita (Miami New Times)

On the secret life of a 4Chan camgirl, after she grew up.

Foxy Force Four (Miami New Times)

On the latest iteration of a classic South Florida scam involving Xanax, Rolexes, and sex workers.